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Bali News

Bali Declaration on Sustainable Tourism Development

09 December 2005

We, the representative of members and associate members of UNESCAP attending the High- Level Intergovernmental Meeting on Sustainable Tourism Development held at Bali, Indonesia on 7 to 9 December 2005,

Renewing our commitment to the implementation of the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development, in particular the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation 2002: the Brussels Declaration, including the Programmed of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001 - 2010; the Mauritius Declaration, including the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programmed of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States 2005; the General Assembly Resolution 55/2 on United Nations Millennium Declaration; as well as the Millennium Development Goals; the Goal Code of Ethics for Tourism adopted at the 13th session of General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization; the WTO Declaration on Harnessing Tourism for the Millennium Development Goals; and the outcome of Regional Ministerial Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals held in Jakarta in August 2005 in which recognizing that poverty reduction is overarching objective for developmental cooperation and partnership in the Asia and Pacific,

Noting the enormous potential of sustainable tourism for socio- economic development and poverty eradication and the significance of sustainability principles for environmental protection and preservation of culture and heritage,

Firmly believing that tourism development based on the principles of sustainable development is an important means to effectively manage environmental and cultural concerns while at the same time creating jobs, contributing to economic growth and promoting social development and act as an effective entry point in the poverty reduction efforts and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, given its tremendous potential to generate more rapid economic development,

Recognizing the need for gender mainstreaming in sustainable tourism development,

Noting the lessons learnt during the first implementation phase of the Plan of Action for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Asian and Pacific Region (1999 - 2005), and recognizing the need to address various issues arising from the contribution of tourism to socio- economic development and the need to take specific actions at the national and regional levels,

Recognizing the value of local wisdom and local knowledge in many parts of the Asia Pacific region for sustainable tourism development,

Urge members and associate members of the UNESCAP to:
1. Formulate national and local tourism policies and development strategies with a view to enhancing the contribution of tourism to socio- economic development and poverty reduction,
2. Encourage the participation of all relevant stakeholders, including civil society, local communities, women, people with disabilities, older persons, non- governmental organizations and the private sector, in the formulation and implementation of tourism related policies and strategies,
3. Facilitate travel through the coordinated development of tourism- related infrastructure, improve procedures for the issuance of visas, border formalities and customs regulations and harmonization of civil aviation policies,
4. Minimize the adverse socio cultural and environmental impacts of tourism while enhancing its role in the conservation of the natural environment, including the promotion of green tourism and preservation of the cultural heritage by among others promoting adequate regulatory framework,
5. Promote the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and support further implementation of the code, including the creation of a climate that is conducive to private sector's compliance with the Code,
6. Enhance the identification and dissemination of best practices on sustainable tourism, including through the optimum use of information and communication technology and web- based framework,
7. Enhance capabilities to develop the required human resources and the capability to manage and prevent crisis affecting the tourism industry,
8. Embark on capacity building programs to facilitate participation of rural and local communities in the economic activities to increase household incomes and poverty eradication,
9. Support tourism- related local economic activities including the promotion of access to capital through micro financing and marketing scheme for micro and small enterprises,
10. Promote regional cooperation and support sub regional initiatives in the tourism sector,
11. Encourage enhanced collaboration between UNESCAP and other UN agencies for sustainable tourism development, particularly the World Tourism Organization and its ST-EP Foundation,
12. Participate actively in regional networking arrangements, including the Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism (APETIT), and the development of standards of competency for tourism professionals,
13. Enhance national, regional and international cooperation to promote tourist, safety, security and comfort,

Invite members and associate members of UNESCAP, donor countries, multilateral financing institutions, concerned agencies and organizations of the United Nations system, other intergovernmental and sub regional organizations, non- governmental organizations and in particular the private sector to provide financial and technical support for the implementation of Plan of Action for Sustainable Tourism Development in Asia and the Pacific, Phase II (2006-2012);